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Are you a Dumonde Tech fan, or are you just looking for the best lubricant for the wet, muddy extreme conditions you ride your mountain bike in? Perhaps you are planning to tour your bike across the country and don't want to be carrying lubricant. The Pro X lubricants from Dumonde Tech are the rare product that actually redefines a category. That is a strong statement, but once you learn about the features and qualities of the Pro X products, we believe you will agree. The Pro X regular is the standard weight lubricant and is ideal for the usage described above. Once applied and bonded to your chain, Pro X Regular is a dry lube that is waterproof, extremely durable, runs clean and silent, and can be used sparingly. Resistance is drastically reduced, wattage saved, and with no VOC's and minimal environmental impact. It even works great in extreme cold conditions. How does Dumonde Tech acheive this?
The key to the Pro X series is the development of Micro Resistant Complex Compounds (MRCC). This technology creates a very light viscosity fluid that actually has a greater film strength that adheres to surfaces. With bike chains, MRCC bonds to the inner surfaces of chains (where chain and gears mesh and create friction) through a process of polymerization. The ideal way to prepare a chain for the Pro X Regular is to thoroughly clean and dry the chain (easiest while off the bike). Once truly dry, apply a one drop per link at each roller of the chain. A thin film will start to adhere to the surface. The best way to get the lube to integrate and set-up is to run the drivetrain after application. Dumonde recommends 2-3 applications to create the polymeric bond and fully cover and penetrate the inner chain surfaces. Once applied in this manner, the Pro X Lite will not wash off with water, repel dirt and grime, and shed only minimal amounts of its material over time. You can then apply the lube sparingly as you feel you need to. You will be shocked at how clean, quiet and smooth your drivetrain will be. Chain, cassette, and chainrings and will all benefit from less friction, lasting longer in optimal performance condition.
Pro X Regular is a rare lubricant indeed. It can be shipped any where in the world via air or ground- no ORM-D status here. The new scent is mild and less pungent than other Dumonde Tech products. Pro X series lubricants meet California's stringent VOC requirements and because it doesn't shed much at all- it must be cleaned off. Citrus degreasers work best on all Dumonde Tech lubricants. Pro X Regular can also be used on cables, pivot points and seals because it is safe on plastic, rubber and all seal materials. By now you can likely agree that the Pro X lubes are revolutionary. Our experience with Dumonde Tech lubes has always been fantastic (aside from the peculiar scent), and the Pro X Regular has improved in every aspect, is much safer and environmentally friendly, and smells better. We love it!
Return to TopFeatures
- Game-changing lubricant ideal for wet and muddy MTB and other extreme conditions
- MRCC technology creates an extremely low friction polymeric bond
- A dry lubricant that does not attract dust and dirt
- Drive train stays clean, last longer, runs silent
- Waterproof, will not wash off
- Extremely durable, outlasts all other chain lubes in any condition
- Reduces resistance, reduces watts used, prolongs drivetrain life
- No shipping restrictions, can be sent any where in the world by air or ground
- No VOC’s, meets California VOC requirements
- Applied sparingly after initial set-up for best results and increased value
- Tamely scented
- Size: 2oz (goes a long way)