Equipment > Accessories > Seat / Frame Bags

There are many saddle bags to choose from, so the question looms as to why would you select the Micro Caddy. The answer is that Lezyne has fixed a few bugs that other manufacturers seem to repeat with every production season. For example, the strap that secures the bag to the saddle rail is a very wide, stout elastic strap. This provides a solid connection to the saddle and holds the bag firmly in place without and floating and rattling. The large elastic strap holds so well there is no need for a seatpost strap that can abrade expensive bib shorts.
The zipper is robust and will not rip or break apart if you over stuff the bag. Lastly, the profile of the bag is narrow and drops down a bit lower than most other packs. This means it tucks nice and tight under the saddle. You will never sense it is there while riding.
The Micro Caddy is constructed of durable woven nylon fabrics which will stand up to much abuse in the field. Reflective logo and stripes help keep you visible. There is an easily accessible, external multi-tool compartment which allows for quick adjustments. Inside are two small compartments, one for tire levers and the other for CO2 cartridge. The Micro Caddy Small has 13.7in or 0.23L capacity. The Micro Caddy Medium has 24.4in or 0.4L capacity.
Return to TopFeatures
- Woven nylon construction
- Wide Velcro attachment strap
- Water proof zipper
- Narrow profile
- .23L capacity small and .4L medium
- 80 grams small, 90 grams medium
- Excel Sports staff favorite