Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Tools > Bottom Bracket / Cassette Tools

Installing and removing the non-drive adjusting cap on Shimano Hollowtech II cranksets is a pretty straightforward operation- so long as you have the large star-shaped tool that fits the cap. Of course there are a few tricks, and shop tech's run into all kinds of issues that result when a cyclists over-tightens or damages the cap. The Park Tool BBT-10.2 Crank Adjusting Cap Tool is totally geared towards bike shops, but cyclists love them. The tool itself features a wing-nut style handle that generally offers more than enough leverage to turn and adjust the cap, but also an 8mm Hex opening on the exterior for caps that have been aggressively installed or has simply somehow seized up (though most Shimano cap versions are a molded plastic polymer, some have been alloy, and there a number of aftermarket alloy options are on the market).
A secondary tool is also built into the end of one handle wing. A slight hook is designed to to easily lift the black plastic safety tab that pivots down from the back arm-fastening bolt over the front bolt. You cannot remove the left side crankarm without lifting that tab. The entire tool is made from investment cast steel, worthy of a Park shop tool that will see constant use. It is easier to find and use than the simple Shimano disc-type tool, as well as having the leverage provisions. A note on this Crank Adjusting Cap- it is simply a bearing pre-load device for the crankset. It is not intended to fasten the crank arm. Please see Shimano's instructions for proper use, and if using an alloy cap, don't forget to grease the threads. Of course if you have the BBT 10.2 tool, you will be able to take care of it no matter what happens.
Return to TopFeatures
- Star-interface tool for Shimano Hollowtech II Crank Adjusting Caps
- Investment cast steel tool is durable and designed for extreme use
- Wing-shaped tool is easy to handle, with good leverage
- Extra leverage option for removing fused caps via 8mm Hex interface
- Under one wing, a hook tool is provided for releasing the Shimano safety tab
- Always defer to Shimano installation instructions for proper use