Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Tools > Bottom Bracket / Cassette Tools

Shimano's tools are often elegantly simple, and always wonderfully effective. The TL-BB12 Press-Fit Bottom bracket tool is designed for installing BB86-92 press fit cups into compatible frames. The steel tool set includes two machined press ends and a threaded steel rod. With slotting perfectly mated to Shimano's cups, you get a precise press every time. All you need is an 8mm Hex wrench and a 17mm box wrench to deliver the force required for safe, proper installation.
if you are a home mechanic who rides Shimano and has a frame or frames with a Press-Fit BB86-92 bottom bracket standard, this is a must have tool. Many shop mechanics like to have it on-hand as well, despite the usual full-on set sitting in the bottom drawer. Why, you ask? First, there are a lot of Shimano drivetrains out there, and second, having the tool, complete and ready to go, make the work go faster, No need to sort through stacks of drifts to get the right tools for the job. Smart, precise, and efficient. Shimano.
Return to TopFeatures
- Installation tool for Shimano press fit bottom brackets (BB86-92)
- Two perfectly machined cup drift interfaces, with a threaded Hex-end rod and nut
- Requires 8mm hex and 17mm box wrench for proper use
- Ensures a safe and proper installation every time
- Perfect for home and shop mechanics who prefer simplicity and efficiency
- Genuine Shimano hardened steel tool