Equipment > Accessories > Drivetrain Misc / Small Parts > Brake and Shifter Hoods

Love your SRAM Red eTap system so much you are wearing out your lever hoods already? Good for you! Of course, the rest of use likely watched our bikes slide along a brick wall or slip to the ground in slow motion after an intended quick lean against the car. Others still will have somehow torn the hood cover during the initial bar wrapping. No worries, these are the genuine SRAM replacements and they fit as snug and perfectly as the originals. These hood covers only work with eTap shift/brake lever bodies with the new ErgoShift design.
The rubber hoods have textured surfaces where you need grip most when hands are sweaty and enough general tackiness everywhere else. And, they are available in Johnny Cash's favorite color.
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- Genuine SRAM replacement hoods for eTap levers
- Sold as a pair, right and left specfic
- Tacky rubber with textured surfaces for optimal grip- wet or dry
- Perfect fit- accept no substitute
- Color: Black